Welcome to Contented Communications
Here to help your organisation tell its story with passion and purpose
Well-crafted words have the power to spark an interest, prompt an action and change behaviour.
I can help you to align your communications activity to your organisation’s purpose and strategic direction and connect with your audiences to achieve impact.

About me
I started Contented Communications to help organisations with social purpose discover, develop and deliver excellent written communications.
I’m a communications professional and a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations with over 20 years’ experience in the public and private sectors.
I work with talented and trusted creatives to help your organisation communicate more effectively with your audience.
I started out in book publishing and have never lost my love of the written word. From there I floated in the dotcom bubble for a while before moving into public sector communications. During my career, I’ve worked with local government, NHS and third sector organisations and their audiences to create and share compelling communications that gets the message across.